With our simulator calculator we can help you figure out your investment goals.

The most easy to use, reliable and cost- effective call routing system for your call center.

With our Call Routing System, CallHub, for tracking and lead distribution, you will increase lead price and client conversion ratios, while managing buyers and brokers through a centralized platform.

Our call routing system ensures that calls are always routed to the most profitable available buyer, rather than being lost or sent to voicemail. This can eliminate revenue losses that come from poorly routed calls.
Allows buyers and their brokers to manage availability rules as well as request refunds for unqualified leads through their custom user interfaces.
Add external lead sources to boost lead supply to your buyers. Lead sources have their own user interface for tracking revenue, lead supply, and even requesting force billing for qualified calls rejected by buyers.
Setup buyer availability rules such as business hours, state restrictions, daily cap, hourly cap, concurrent call cap and available funds to purchase leads.
Admin or qualify control can review and respond to refund and force billing requests through the platform.
Comprehensive Assistance in Call Routing, Call Tracking and Leads Distribution.
Allows monitoring of lead generation and potential buyers on the same platform. It also offers comprehensive support for refund requests from lead buyers.
Increase Lead Volume with External Sources
Allows lead generators to request force billing for a call sent to a lead buyer but rejected despite meeting campaign criteria.
View Real Time Statistics
Earnings per call (EPC), conversion ratio, active calls in progress, converted calls, rejected calls, missed calls, and total spent by date and buyers by campaign.
Prevent Lead Theft with Spoofed Caller IDs
CallHub gives you the option to spoof client phone numbers sent to buyers and only offer the real caller ID for converted calls paid for by your buyers.

Cost Simulation
Do you know what your daily profit can be by routing leads? Fill out this simple form with the following:
- Expected amount of incoming leads
- Expected conversion rate
- How much you will pay for a lead
- How much are you going to charge for a lead
- And finally, the average call duration
Then we can estimate how much your operation cost and income would be!
Thank you for your interest in our Call Routing System!
Sign in to a free trial version of our Call Routing System and get a $10 bonus and access to the entire platform.
- Through our free trial you will know exactly how to create your business by recruiting lead generators and also companies interested in them.
- You can develop winning campaigns for your call center thanks to our call tracking and call routing system supported by the use of our platform.
- Our CR System platform will assist you in the complete life cycle of your lead generation and lead distribution business.
One of our specialists will contact you to provide additional information and answer any additional questions you may have.